From Mrs. Hudson’s unique perspective comes a book about her famous lodgers and their involvement with various aspects of Victorian life. Over 50 recipes are included that reflect dishes Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson would have enjoyed.
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Mrs. Hudson is possibly the most famous landlady in literature. Presiding over 221B Baker Street, she saw many clients, villains, and Baker Street Irregulars during the tenancy of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. This series of columns, thoughts, recipes, and memoirs are from a long-running column in the Sherlockian journal Canadian Holmes. In it, the author, Wendy Heyman-Marsaw, puts herself in Mrs. Hudson's shoes, up and down the 17 steps, and recounts not only the time and era - but the food, dining, and eating habits of Victorian England.
Meet Mrs. Hudson
“My perceptions of Mrs. Hudson developed over the years and I could never reconcile depictions of her as a fussy elderly lady or motherly-like woman who was sub-servient to Sherlock Holmes. Descriptions of her in the Canon are scarce. Dr. Watson refers to her “stately tread” upon the 17 stairs of 221B which led to various interpretations of her as a plump and or middle aged woman. It occurred to me that all young women of the Victorian middle to upper classes were given lessons in proper deportment and that Mrs. Hudson simply walked as she was taught. The use of Mrs. Hudson by Mr. Holmes in “The Empty House” also indicated to me that a gentleman such as Holmes would never ask anyone but a younger, nimble character to crawl about the floor. Mr. Holmes mentions her gossiping to her friends, but this could simply be a bit of his dry wit at play. Finally, only a younger person could possibly tolerate the eccentric behaviours of “the very worst tenant in London”. Thus, for me, Mrs. Hudson was similar in age to Holmes, discreet, intelligent and remarkably insouciant given the chaos that often took place under her roof courtesy of Mr. Sherlock Holmes.”
- Wendy Heyman-Marsaw, Author of Memoirs from Mrs. Hudson's Kitchen